Fone Pay It Forward
How Can I Help Our House ?
We have experienced helping our clients and seen others helped in their lives, just by Giving Back.
.." I had a moment in My Life where the very unimaginable happened to me... I needed help to have funds for the burial of my daughter... I am so gratefull someone was there for me. I received $500 in donations. Someone paid my bills directly... Thank you so much! "
Signed, Gratefull Recipient Hunt. Beach, Ca. USA
Our clients who visit the Help Resource Online, can gain expert advice or help they might not have been aware of, while also having the very real possibility of them receiving a referral for assistance such as, being able to stay in their home.
Their information is secure and safe while they produce a revenue stream where monthly we give donations to those that could use help. Fone Pay and a client can be assured to know their identity is safe.
We developed a way where people could use our email alert system, or text it system - to try and get their verifiable help. They build a profile (VIA EMAIL, its safe and secure) and we can assist them safely. WE GIVE BACK. A large portion of our proceeds go to help those in need, queitly, one person at a time. You can imagine people making a functional use of a email profile. . . Donators can check to see availability and credentials at a glance. Anonymously. You can donate your time, money and / or give advice to those in need.
Adopt a " We Give Back " slogan to your business
Having also adopted a " We Give Back " slogan to your business can do amazing things for your image... and it can provide your clients a feedback option and create an open dialogue that IS personal to them yet also vital to your business success...
How Does Our House Help Me?
We wish to help women have a spiritual experience. Having a vital spiritual experience is the begining to a new life. Once experienced, it provides a foundation where a new life can be built upon it. Many people have experienced a watered down version of programs and services that are designed to help people live new lives. What often is lacking is a spiritual experience.
We Respect Your Privacy.
We offer a safe harbor and try to provide a drama free environment. In todays modern society where social media is prevalent, we try to limit it's envolvement with your stay at Our House. We try to provide you with the time you are accostomed to your social media habits, however we do have policies regarding it, with an agreement you would need to abide by. We also have an agreement where you respect others privacy in their stay.
We Respect Your Philosophy.
Many women are different and have different views upon a higher power or purpose for their lives. Many different religions exist. Christian faith and sober principles are offered at Our House... while we wish to remain free from controversy, we do not discriminate. We offer help. We do not demand you experience a specific 'brand' of a spiritual experience... we just offer a spiritual experience that we believe is a very important part of a new life free from the past behaviors, actions, habits and decisions that effect many of us in the forms of addiction.
Frequently Asked Questions... and Their Answers
Getting Information or becoming informed, starts with having it at your fingertips. Make time to get the answers to your questions without delaying. A "Help Resource Online" is a method to connect you to many area services that may be able to assist you in your time of need. We are aware many vistitors request for a 'financial assistance'.