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Modern Community request by area can be defined by your district as ARP & charitable fund sourcing.

Servicing millions in covid - 19 relief funding is due in part of what is included in the major $1.9 trillion dollar American Rescue Plan (ARP)... already included in the package, can be identified by your local (or chosen) district, in which you can serve and make an impact.

Selecting where you choose to focus and provide your area of expertise, can be as simple as where there may be needs to fill... looking at local areas where there are also Charitable contributions planned or needed, may help you help others, rather easily identifiable.

This blog concentrates on what was once in the top ten areas of drug addiction across the country, while previously having been in the top ten areas of chosen real estate investment opportunities... an area that was once occupied by auto manufacture's and by far, the major source of revenue for both the employee who worked there, and the city from it's once enjoyed socio-economic standpoint. An area where even President Obama visited to provide a heavily anticipated revamp and economic recovery to a once treasured community. Expectations ebbed and flowed as the country was reliant to a bank and automobile bail out as property values dropped. Not only did equity vanish, jobs did too. The economic recovery would not just take decades, hope springs eternal for the community does still thrive... only at a third of capacity. While covid-19 put the world on pause, the ensuing drug and opiod epidemic has still got a firm grasp amoung the community. Recovery economically, is growing...

Still, it is not happening as completely hoped for. While many elderly people still live here, there are many historical and modernized homes abound. Many planned unit developments reside amoungst a vital downtown area anyone would be happy to visit... Many churches and well respected schools also provide a wealth of opportunity to anyone who would attend them. While there is also a youthful vitality in the mix with a modern approach to the community, there still exists a needed service of well being, a unity in the community to assist all.

Having access to large part of the community that can benefit from these provisions, it may enable us the ability to change the script in the covid-19 national pandemic we are all apart of.

A needed service of well being, sobriety from a rampant opiod and drug epidemic, as well as an offering to unify the community in part and in whole. Families live here. The best desired outcome is to fix up the homes that are destroyed from the before mentioned occurances, and provide a healing to those afflicted and effected. One home at a time. One person at a time. I am writting about: Kokomo, IN.

Being a Hoosier is what Indiana people are all about. It is in the air... can do spirit abounds.... but how do we turn this thing around, right now? It is going to take action from both the private sector, as well as charitable funding sources to provide the quality care that is needed. It is going to take the stewardship and forward thinking of the local and state government. Fortunately, they are doing just that, but they have made yet only a begining... in California, it is a tad bit more progressive in these areas. Kokomo, IN. has a unique investor in it's people in Lilly Medical ( Largest employer and charitable donator in the State of Indiana). Planned funding and opening of four facilities has begun to service the need, however it is a drop in the bucket, to provide housing and healing for only 200 beds for sober and mental health only...

A Plan of Four Modern 2021 Communities... developed for four groups identified...

Many businesses and non-profits are created for monetary benefits. Some of which are for financial gain or perpetual existence, while others are grown for a specific purpose. We have a need to fill. We are offering a simple community where members and attendees can experience a 'spiritual' (yet open-minded) and vital 'psychic change' for the member's and attendee's individual function. Our hope is that they can then be transformed or learn concepts developed over 300 years ago. There really is no specific, or one reason for the experience and growth of the individual's time spent in / at our community... it is an accumulation of experiences and many followed suggestions that result in a changed human heart and mind. Better versions of self occur and can be measured by smiles.

We invite you to discover a community comprised of Four seperate yet related industry standards, also referred to as: "Modern Community Based Homes".

A simple request for a modern community based on a proven method to help individuals and the community they serve. Locally and nationally, the monetary federal budgets are being considered for disbursement to serve many people that are in need, and who have suffered from covid-19 individually and as a community. These four business models will never run dry of participants, as well as will never cease for being in need... quite literally, these four groups of individuals are amoungst the greatest effected by the global pandemic. The reason is simple. Those that are afflicted, are in need of progressive and stable means of care brought forth from the private business sector. United with several non-profit and charitable organizations, the private business sector can also be funded by the stimulus and incredible new standards from the influx of federal monies due to many areas, such as mental health. Those that can provide care, in a less costly manner, will do the most effective care and solutions to these four classes of individuals: (1) elderly care, (2) sobriety ( opiates, opiods and even alcohol addiction), (3) foster youth to adults, as well as (4) victims of human trafficking / sexual abuse / domestic violence. The fourth category has multiple dimensions / facets to it; although a business that caters to these individuals (under the umbrella of mental health) will benefit by strength in numbers and the healing these individuals need. Providing for these four categories, and serving the obvious need, promotes a community of well being...

In Long Beach California, we have seen these four businesses operate cohesively in flashes... the very real opportunity to prove their worthiness was accomplished at the same properties. A sense of "Community" was found.

Listed as ' Sober Living ' where attendees and residents enjoyed a sense of the suggested program and system of sobriety, family, and a vital spiritual experience. Little by little, elders and youth participated in the Home's occurances throughout the month.

Listed as 'Elderly Care Home' where residents and other attendees of the sober family members participated in sometimes daily events. What happened was not too surprising; smiles on their faces were simply magic and often revealed daily. Quality care un-matched.

Adapted and Adopted as 'Fostered Adults' Home for the children who have grown past the age of 18; who were once in the system, enjoyed the visits to similairily and previously mentioned homes.

Adapted as Victims of Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence Home for individuals who have suffered the likes of their namesake; who were once in the system, or not, enjoyed the visits to similairily and previously mentioned homes.

This resulted in a profound synergy that perhaps, make them all a happier and more productive member of society who have experienced the unity in community... quite possibly: faith, hope and love.

Homelessness and the impact it has on the individual and surrounding community from which they spur, is astounding. Not only does the individual suffer from the economic spill over; it is our very own 'up close and personal view' of the national epidemic, in our very own backyard.

Updated: Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) "Tent City" Communities:

Updated: Kokomo Perspective Holds a Resource Fair in prep for disbanding "Kokomo Tent City":

Updated: Kokomo Perspective disbanding "Kokomo Tent City":

" Whereas for us who have a solution in mind... we know it starts with one person receiving healing at a time. This can be a result of a profound synergy that perhaps, make them all have a bed which eventually becomes a happier and more productive member of society... who have experienced the unity in our very own community... quite possibly from care that provides: faith, hope, love and a refreshed self esteem."

It is no accident that homelessness in Indy is a mere extension of the fabric that makes up the cloth from Kokomo to Indianapolis, as well as everywhere in between. Everywhere in Indiana for that matter and the rest of the U.S., we are a mere destination that is just moments away from the Chicago hub, en route from the New York to Los Angeles travel path. Kokomo, IN. was once in the top ten areas of drug addiction across the country, while previously having been in the top ten areas of chosen real estate investment opportunities... an area that was once occupied by auto manufacture's and by far, the major source of revenue for both the employee who worked there, and the city from it's once enjoyed socio-economic standpoint. These Houses of Care (tm) can be a source of revenue to make an impact where many houses sit empty, and are a byproduct of the auto manufacture(s) who decided to take their billion dollars and invest it in Mexico... instead of Kokomo, despite the on going talks and discussions to turn the local Kokomo economy around. Since the 12,000 employees that used to be a staple in the community, they have drizzled down to 200 now. It may not be all covid-19 related, yet it is undeniable that the economic ripple effect is felt here. This can also be a economic solution that welcomes many of the participants in our four groups of individuals Community Care Homes, as another solution is presented in closing: we have a unique system that can be presented where we have a major resource available... a nueva health care community standard has excelled in offering covid-19 testing while also providing clinical trails that are touting the ability to give indication in early cancer detection.

Lets put people and Kokomo, back in the first category, AGAIN. #HoosierUP

They currently are in the mid to late stage detection ranges that result in faster identification of cancer which is for the purpose of utilizing drug treatments instead of chemotherapy. Drug manufactures are happy to provide these services as chemotherapy is expensive. Moving to early detection required a large financial commitment as well as a technical know how, which we can offer. Having access to large part of the community that can benefit from these provisions, it may enable us the ability to change the script and modern landscape in the covid-19 national pandemic we are all apart of. Lets put people and Kokomo, back in the first category, AGAIN. Why? Because WE CAN!



$41 Million in US Funds

Were given safe harbor destination for Kokomo, IN.

Charitable funds as donations and ARP funds were granted for one group to do the very good work of servicing a need within the community.

Work and care, are to be performed by these individuals to provide a vital (yet pivotable) function in the aftermath of covid-19 with a return to normalcy for a City and their people.

Listed as:

$5,000,000 Charitable Donation from LILLY MEDICAL.

$16,000,000 ARP Monies for HOWARD COUNTY, Kokomo as part / surrounding areas shared recipient.

$20,000,000 ARP Monies for Kokomo City direct recipient.

Funds will continue to be released untill 2024, as this was the lion-share of the first installment payment listed above as sub total of that awarded, thus far. Last payment of funds scheduled to be received by as late as first quarter in 2025. We will continue to update you as possible, and humbly Thank You for reading.

Disclaimer: All information herein or reported is deemed reliable, yet not gaurenteed. No warranty or relationship is either expressed or implied. Please verify your concerns and your participation is welcomed but not neccessary. This blog does not constitute any relationship or contract be it verbal, non-verbal, oral or written.


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QUALITY CARE means you or your loved one does not loose quality in care tm simply due to "cost of care changes in any / some circumstance (s)" that may have not been a part of originally planned care provisions. 


$30,000 per Month Income.


Each bed can provide up to $7,000/Month.  



Provides a Business You Can Sell Later. They can lease the property monthly from you also.


Even businesses hire managers, and often they would love to buy the $30,000 / month Elderly Care Facility from you for an average $250,000. They simply lease the premises from you which is always above current market. Typical mortgage payment is $4,500 in this scenario where lease payments can be $7,000 / month.


IN THE NEWS, lower rates remain in 2021; expected...

Subject: Check this out: Federal Reserve still has 'bazookas left in the war chest'. Original post:  


CLICK ON LINK ABOVE as we are at RECORD LOW RATES while yet newer guidelines and rates exist  for you as an investor. They can be explained for your current & individual evaluation.

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